The CatalystOne Blog

Continuous Performance Management: The Best Practice Scenario

Written by Hope Mears Østgaard | 18 December 2018

It’s safe to say that Continuous Performance Management is here to stay. In a relatively short space of time, it’s become the go-to model for companies looking to get the most out of their employees, improve engagement and decrease attrition.


Continuous performance has been so effective, in fact, it’s easy to forget that it still represents something of a recent innovation in the HR landscape. As a result, while pockets of best practice certainly exist, many businesses are still unsure of exactly what ‘good’ looks like.

Here are some of the key factors to consider when seeking to optimize continuous performance management within your organisation.


Structured Check-ins

Regular check-ins between management and employees are the hallmark of the continuous performance model, and getting them right can mean the difference between the success and failure of your implementation.

Defining the overarching structure of these check-ins – including sample questions and expected outcomes – ensures consistency across the organisation. This will also greatly benefit managers who may be less comfortable carrying out in-depth performance conversations.


Keep Feedback Relevant

A key benefit of the continuous model comes in the form of increased feedback provided to employees, helping them improve areas of weakness while reinforcing their strengths.

But it’s important to remember that feedback is most effective when it’s relevant. Where possible, link feedback directly to goals and targets.


Ready the Workforce

Regular check-ins and quality performance conversations place greater responsibility on management tiers. Instead of backward-facing yearly appraisals, the continuous model requires managers to oversee quality, forward-looking performance conversations that focus on feedback and development.

While some will take to this easily, others may need more support. Ensuring proper training is provided in the lead-up to any continuous performance implementation will help smooth the transition.


Make Use of Technology

The increased capability of HR software has been one of the driving factors behind the success of the continuous performance model. That’s because the right technology can greatly enhance the efficiency of the process, saving time and increasing value.

Selecting the right performance management software for your business can pave the way for a smooth, successful transition. The best software will be easy to use, available in the cloud for access on the go, and will come packaged with functionality aimed at increasing collaboration and keeping focus on goals.


Collect Data

Something that’s often overlooked when implementing or changing key business processes is measuring the long-term impact of the change. But without this knowledge, recognizing success becomes a subjective exercise.

Key business metrics like employee turnover and internal promotion percentages should be monitored before, during and after implementation. To supplement these figures, employee surveys can help build a picture of changes in employee engagement and job satisfaction over time.


Report Success

The last five to ten years have shown that continuous performance management has the potential to completely change the way organisations interact with their employees. Hierarchical, rating-centric yearly review cycles have given way to collaborative, agile processes that foster development and stimulate employee growth.

Armed with supporting data, be sure the senior leadership team are fully aware of the positive impact updated performance practices are having on the organisation.


If you're interested in reading more about our views on continuous performance management, download our e-book by clicking the image below!